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Does your building contain asbestos? New regulations come into effect in April 2018

WorkSafe NZ identifies asbestos exposure as the leading cause of death from workplace related disease. In line with their plan to reduce workplace related health risks the new asbestos regulations come into effect April 4th 2018.

One of the important requirements under the new Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2018 mean if you own or occupy a building which contains asbestos you must have a management plan by that date.

The plan must include information about the following:

The PCBU must make sure that a copy of the plan for the workplace is available to:

From 4 April 2018, the PCBU that manages or controls a workplace that has an asbestos management plan must make sure that the plan is reviewed and, if necessary, revised if:

A representative for workers may request a review of the plan if they believe that:

Buildings, both commercial and residential, constructed or altered between 1940 and 2000 can often contain asbestos or Asbestos Containing Material (ACM), buildings post 2000 less likely.

Businesses who suspect they may be operating in such premises would be wise to get a survey conducted prior to next April.

If no asbestos or ACM is found, simply document the fact and file the report for future reference.

In the case asbestos or ACM is discovered a management plan needs to be created and implemented.

If there is any suspicion that asbestos is in the air environment of the workplace or if asbestos removal occurs, air monitoring must be implemented. At the moment any ‘competent person’ can perform this task, but after April 4 2018 it must be a licenced asbestos inspector.

Until now, individuals needed a license or a Certificate of Competence (CoC) to remove asbestos. Now it’s the company’s responsibility to hold a license, not an individual person. If your license or CoC expires before April 4th 2018, your company will need to apply for a license.

Under the new legislation, a Class A company licence means you can dispose of both friable and non-friable asbestos, while with a Class B license you can only remove non-friable material.

If you require a Class A licence to do your job, Worksafe New Zealand will need to see a “Certified Safety Management System.” They need to make sure that everyone who handles asbestos knows what they are doing, and you have proper systems and processes in place for disposing of hazardous material.

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