Celebrating 10 Years
Where did it go…?
edenfx HSE Recruitment are proud to announce their 10-year anniversary providing specialist HSEQR recruitment services throughout New Zealand and Australia.
Directors Alison and Stuart Gill, along with the dedicated and hardworking team at edenfx, would like to thank their networks of clients and jobseekers for the partnerships that have been forged over the last 10 years allowing for continual improvements and successful appointments within business.
These sustained relationships have allowed for a significant contribution to raising the competence levels of the risk management industry through the appointments of high performing HSEQR professionals at all levels within industry.
Managing Director, Alison Gill said, “Recruiting competent staff can be a time consuming and costly exercise for employers and through our tailored services we have been able to, and will continue to, offer a comprehensive range of professional recruitment solutions—both permanent and fixed-term contract appointments—which are cost effective for employers across Australasia.”
edenfx opened for business in 2008 after recognising a clear gap in the market for identifying talent, potential talent and competence within a complex discipline. The team is headed by Chartered and Certified Safety Professionals and the entire team at edenfx enjoy their own Continual Professional Development leading the trend.
With the growth in understanding of risk management over the last 10 years, so too have the expectations from hiring managers grown for the employment of competent practitioners to safeguard their businesses. Those practitioners are now defined as having the skills, knowledge, ability and qualifications to support their chosen specialist field. For this reason, it is important that the edenfx team have been supported in their own development to set and lead by example and continue to grow with market demand.
Alison added, “As such, an exciting announcement for our 10th anniversary is the dedicated addition to our service provision with the formal launch of the edenfx Independent Contracting Division.
“As a specialist recruitment company, we act as an extension to employers HR/Recruitment teams to allow for the running of efficient, ethical and successful recruitment campaigns that in turn will appoint suitably qualified staff.”
“The bespoke recruitment approach and scarcity of right fit candidates in the market can often mean that a position may be held vacant and so the edenfx competent qualified contracting teams can support this gap and support the wider recruitment process.”
HSEQR is a growth industry and as we love talking about and recruiting to our subject matter. Please feel free to ring the team and ask about our services for both permanent and contracted resources—we would be delighted to help.
Look forward to another 10 years of supporting our chosen field.
Alison Gill
Managing Director