edenfx newsletter 23/04

News Hi All, Newsletter time again and the last month it has been a superb period of reflection and quality communications for our teams at edenfx HSE. Like lots of other businesses, we are all working from home and it has given us time to reflect on the gifts that working at home bring; whether

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Find out how edenfx can help you…

“To kick off 2020, we have some terrific news from principal partners, edenfx. This year, for every successful candidate placement secured as a result of an NZISM referral*, edenfx will be offering client companies one of two opportunities to work in tighter collaboration with NZISM: 1 year’s corporate sponsorship, or 2 years’ individual membership so

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MD Becomes Chartered IoD Member

Congratulations to our Managing Director, Alison Gill who is now a fully qualified Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors. Alison believes great governance is so important on a personal and professional level and is thrilled to receive her formal certification. A big congratulations and well done to all other recipients who received their Chartered

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Your support required please…

I am nominated for a Board position with the Australian Institute of Safety and Health (AIHS) and am keen to secure your vote if you are a member and have not yet voted. Please take a couple of mins to read…. Why Me? Because I actually care. I am keen to make a difference and bring fresh

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